Perspectives in Poverty Alleviation, 2007

Perspectives in Poverty Alleviation

erschienen 2007:

Im Oktober 2004 fand in Wien eine internationale Konferenz zum Thema “Perspectives in Poverty Alleviation” statt. Die neun internationalen Beiträge dieser Konferenz wurden um einige Artikel erweitert und erscheinen in Kürze. Hier bereits das Inhaltsverzeichnis.

Foreword by Thomas Böhler and Clemens Sedmak (eds.)
1.. Baulch, Bob: Is European Aid Focused on the Poorest Countries, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex.
2.. Betson, David: Does the Popularity of a Poverty Program Imply Its Success?, Department of Economics and Policy Studies, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana.
3.. Blandon, Yalina Molina; Gendron, Corinne ; Lapointe, Alain: La lucha contra la pobreza y la vigencia de los derechos humanos en Nicaragua. Chaire de Responsabilité Sociale et de Développement Durable, École des Sciences de la Gestion, Université du Québec á Montreal, Canadá.
4.. Böhler, Thomas: Does Poverty Research Bear the Danger of Producing Poverty? Doctoral student at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and Research Assistant at FWF Project “Option for the Poor”, University of Salzburg.
5.. Cardenal, Rudolfo: The Liberating Mission of University, Vice Rector Central American University of José Simeón Cañas in San Salvador, El Salvador.
6.. Delamonica, Enrique; Mehrotra, Santosh; Vandemoortele, Jan: Education for All: How much will it cost? Enrique Delamonica is a policy analyst in the Division of Policy and Planning of UNICEF Headquarters and also teaches economics at the School of Professional Studies of New York University. Santosh Mehrotra is Senior Policy Advisor for the Human Development Report at UNDP. Jan Vandemoortele is Principal Adviser and Group Leader, Socio-economic Development, UNDP.
7.. Donner, Jochen: Strategies for Poverty and Hunger Reduction from a Development and Human Rights Perspective. Senior Policy Maker at the German Agro Action (Deutsche Welthungerhilfe).
8.. González Hernández, Guadalupe Margarita; González Hernández, José Robert: Beyond Poverty: Precarious Reproduction of Mexican Families. A Caste Study (1990-2004). Professor of Political Science Academic Unit and Professor of Accountancy and Administration Academic Unit of University Autonomous of Zacatecas, México.
9.. Harriss-White, Barbara: Destitution in India. Professor of Development Studies and Director of Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University.
10.. Heitzmann, Karin: Female Poverty in the European Union: Myth or Reality? University Assistant at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Institute of Economics, Department of Social Politics.
11.. Kronauer, Martin: “Poverty Alleviation” as a Step towards Social Inclusion, Professor of sociology at the Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft Berlin – Berlin School of Economics.
12.. Novy, Andreas: Forms of Liberation: Option for the Poor and Education, Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Institute for Regional Development and Environment, Department for Regional Development.
13.. Schicho, Walter: What did Mr. Wolfensohn mean (intend), when he spoke of (about) poverty Professor at (and Head of) the Department of African Studies at the University of Vienna.
14.. Sedmak, Clemens: Poverty Alleviation: What and Why? Professor of Moral and Social Theology at King’s College, London.

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